A root canal is a procedure that we perform when a tooth that is still strong has an abscess or an inflamed nerve. Our team has a wealth of experiences with root canals in Bowling Green and root canals in our southern Kentucky offices. It involves removing the necrotic or inflamed nerve tissue inside of the tooth, cleaning the inside, and placing a filling down the inside of the root. Most often this is performed in one visit and in less than two hours.
Does it hurt?
Root canals are so much different now than they were even 10 years ago. Technology, materials, techniques, and stronger numbing medicine have made getting a root canal more like getting a long filling and less like the gruesome process we all think of when we hear the name. They are meant to relieve pain, and not to cause it. Still, we often use sedation or nitrous oxide to help overcome the fear and anxiety that many people already have.
How do I know if I need a root canal?
Patient’s require a root canal when a tooth is abscessed or a nerve is severely inflamed. You may experience prolonged or intense pain, swelling, or a loose tooth. Often times pain is the worst before bed, or when drinking something cold. A tooth can only be diagnosed through a series of x rays and tests performed by the dentist.
What happens if I elect not to have a root canal?
If you choose to delay treatment, you should know that an infected tooth will never heal on its own. As the infection spreads down the tooth and into your jawbone, the pain may become excruciating. The infection also can become more widespread and potentially threaten your life.
Do root canals fail?
Like any procedure in medicine, your body might not respond to a root canal. This however is very rare, and root canals have a very high success rate. Most root canals fail because the tooth was inadequately cleaned by the dentist, or because a crown or permanent filling was not placed to seal the tooth after the root canal. When done correctly, you should have confidence that your root canal should last.
How many appointments will this take?
Root Canals used to take at least 2 appointments to complete. Because of technology, we are able to complete the majority of cases in just one visit. Often times we are even able to fabricate your final crown while performing your root canal! This allows us to complete your root canal and seat your permanent crown in about 2 hours, it’s simply amazing!